
Tokenization of Film, Television, and Music Content Using Proprietary Advanced Blockchain Technology

EMG is an online service platform that was conceived to provide digital security for KYC/AML identification, financing, production and distribution of films, television shows, and music. Its focus lies in leveling the playing field for decentralized ownership of defined property rights and profit sharing through tokenization, using advanced blockchain technology. The term “ethical” in EMG’s name is intended to describe how its service platform is designed to govern interactions among stakeholders: content creators, audiences, distributors, and EMG itself, promoting an honest ecosystem.

Ethical Media Group
Ethical Media Group
Ethical Media Group
Ethical Media Group

Empowering Creators and Audiences through Direct Relationships

Redefining Relationships in Content Creation

The EMG service platform will support a direct relationship between content creators and the end users. The relationship is established through "defined property rights” within the token. Additionally, the use of content is transparently recorded on immutable digital ledgers and proper financial renumeration. The platform focuses on Decentralized Media Content.

Ethical Media Group
EMG's Pioneering Approach to Debt-Free Funding

Debtless Finance for Content Creation

The EMG Service platform enables new content to be identified, financed, produced, and distributed, in a transparent blockchain process which employs a series of asset tokens which will define the property’s ownership, development and distribution of the content. The idea is to share defined ownership / viewership rights securely and transparently and enable greater participation with creators and audiences in the content. There is no debt to be paid back. EMG’s service is a debtless finance system.

Ethical Media Group

Enables Creators to Share the Process of Content Creation with Token Purchasers

EMG provides producers with a way to share data about the production process with media token owners through secure digital ledgers.

Ethical Media Group

EMG can integrate with existing platforms to license and protect talent digital replicas

Name, Image, Likeness, Music, and Literary Protections

The EMG service provides creators with the ability to tokenize photo-realistic digital replicas - including name, image, and likeness (NIL) - as well as music and literary properties within a token recorded on an immutable digital ledger. These tokens come with coded use permissions transparently visible 24/7 globally. The primary purpose is to protect against unauthorized use of individuals' NIL, content, and financial renumeration.

Ethical Media Group

Transparency and Accountability in the Distribution of Profits

EMG, through its blockchain, provides content media creators and existing streaming platforms with a way to securely record and share data on a blockchain with token purchasers. This type of recordation and distribution of profits provides transparency on an immutable ledger supporting the "honest" ecosystem.

Ethical Media Group